For our preliminary task, Gabriel, Kiran, Luke and I created a film about a drug deal. In our short film we had to include the continuity techniques: match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule. We needed to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room, sitting down in a chair opposite another character and then exchanging a few lines of dialogue.
We thought about our mise-en-scene in a group, discussing important factors such as which location to film in, what props to have, who to choose to act in it, what lighting would best create different moods and effects and much more. We decided to use a store cupboard in the school's gymnasium as our location, we chose two year seven students to act as the drug dealer and customer and we used a flashlight to create top lighting to set the scene as dark, gritty and slightly mysterious.
Our camerawork was very versatile, with use of over the shoulder shots, close up shots, extreme close ups and bird's eye view shots. These all contributed to further creating a short film that we could appreciate and be proud to show to the rest of our class.
We did not need to edit our short film much as each clip we filmed, we seemed to get right most times. We put a sound clip over the whole short film as we felt it added a certain feel to the film which without the sound, would not be there.
During this whole journey, I feel I have learnt a lot about film making and all the different techniques it entails. I have learnt how time consuming it can be, how much concentration and determination it takes, how to use different camera shots to create different moods in films and much more. It has been a really interesting learning experience for me and has really had me more enthusiastic about film making and media studies in general.
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