The main types of camera movements are:
Pans. This movement scans a scene horizontally. Often used when following a moving object which is kept in the middle of the frame.
Tilts. This movement scans a scene vertically.
Dolly shots. This movement is when the camera is placed on a vehicle and moves alongside the action. This movement is sometimes called a tracking shot.
Hand-held shots. This movement is used a create a fly-on-the-wall sort of effect. Often used to make the audience feel as if they are part of the scene.
Crane shots. This movement is just like a dolly shot but is instead in the air.
Zoom lenses. This movement means that a camera can get a 'close up' shot while still being far away from the action.
Aerial shot. This movement is similar to the crane shot except it is usually taken from even higher up, e.g in an in flight helicopter.
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