Sunday, 22 September 2013

Donnie Darko Movie Poster Semiotic Analysis (notes on semiotics)


This is a movie poster for the film 'Donnie Darko'. It is quite a minimalistic poster, only using three colours to make each part of the poster stand out. The juxtaposition between the flat black background and the eerie whites and blues used in the foreground succeed in creating a mysterious, spooky feel to the poster.
The black background of the poster signifies fear, maybe of the unknown. This intrigues someone who may be looking at the poster and the background doesn't give much away about what the film is really like. The unusual foreground image, of the character's faces merged into a sinister looking rabbit's head, may signify that all the characters are linked to this rabbit in some way. This is quite an objective technique.
The use of bright, bold, white writing in the foreground for the title and actor's name connotes that the designer of the poster really wanted them to stand out to whoever was looking at the poster.
By using light shadowing around the title, 'Donnie Darko', it again connotes to any potential audiences that the title is the centre of attention on this poster.
The black background and the name 'Darko' may correspond together to represent that this film may have a lot of darkness in it and may be quite scary.
The foreground image may be quite frightening for some people and so by this, a potential viewer of this film can understand what the target audience is.
The mix of pale colours in the foreground image make it look almost as if it is illuminated and vibrating off of the background. This symbolises that the film is fast paced and enigmatic at times.
Overall, I would say that the simplicity of this poster is definitely very effective to draw an audience in and make them want to watch this film.

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