Sunday, 17 November 2013

Opening Sequence Observations for Planning

Having analysed a variety of openings, I would say there are 10-15 credits in a typical opening credit sequence.
The credits usually included in an opening sequence in conventional order are, production company logo, casting by, music by, main cast credits, produced by, cinematography by, directed by, edited by and the title of the film.
I would like to include aspects of narrative in my group opening such as, characterisation of the main character, the horror character and the setting.
We will set up our characters with use of their clothing, physical appearance and their dialogue. For example, for the horror character may wear a long white dress. She may also have long, black, limp hair. She will have little dialogue to retain  her mysterious aura. The main character will be dressed in casual attire, a hoodie and jeans.

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