Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Primary Target Audience

There are many important factors to focus on when it comes to thinking about your target audience. These include, genre preferences, class, gender, age, fears and anxieties, education, values and hopes.
Our primary target audience for our two minute opening sequence will probably be older teenagers and adults who enjoy horror films, because our opening sequence focuses heavily on this theme.
We will try to focus on audiences who fear similar things such as escaped people, being home alone, being stalked, the dark and unknown phone calls. These are the fears we will be portraying in our opening sequence. By focusing on our audiences fears we are trying to create a more tense atmosphere for their viewing pleasure.

We will also focus on audiences who have similar values and beliefs. For example, what one would do if someone broke into their house. All these values and beliefs would come together to make our opening sequence seem altogether more interesting and gripping.

For our own opening sequence we want to focus on a target audience that appreciates Japanese horror, primarily the westernised type, such as 'The Ring' (2002). We want our opening sequence to shock and scare our viewers, as horror films traditionally do. We want to focus on an opening with no special effects or over exaggerations, just simple costumes and makeup, going back to the traditional popular Japanese horrors, such as 'Dark Water'. These types of films rely on suspense rather that over-the-top scare tactics used in many American horrors. Many fans of Japanese horror like to think of themselves as away from 'mainstream' and part of a lesser known cult of J-horror, so we would like to focus on people who are already part of this Japanese horror cult.

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